Invitation to participate in the first China International Import Expo

   The first China International Import Expo will be held in the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai) from November 5 to 10, 2018, with a total exhibition area of more than 240,000 square meters, and it is expected that more than 3,000 overseas exhibitors will cover more than 100 countries and regions with a total of 30,000 kinds of goods and services。The exhibition content will be divided into seven sections according to the main fields of consumer electronics and home appliances, clothing and consumer goods, automobiles, intelligent and high-end equipment, food and agricultural products, medical equipment and medicine and health care, and service trade。The exhibition will also hold a series of activities such as "Hongqiao International Trade Forum", supply and demand matchmaking meeting, industry seminars, and product launches。

    To seize the important opportunity of the first Import Expo,Actively use the Expo platform to promote comprehensive exchanges and cooperation in various fields,Jointly build business opportunities,Achieve mutual benefit,Win-win development,Guangdong Council for the Promotion of International Trade (Guangdong International Chamber of Commerce) as a member of the Guangdong trading group,Guangdong Trade Promotion sub-delegation will be organized according to the work deployment of the provincial Party committee and provincial government,I will be the main leader of the team。All relevant enterprises are now invited to register actively and complete the online registration as soon as possible.If the unit is an industry association, please assist the relevant enterprises of the association to register for the meeting。The deadline for registration is August 3。

Annex: Guidelines for Professional Visitor Registration of Guangdong Trading Group for the First China International Import Expo 2018

(Contact: Gan Ting, Zeng Cuimei Tel: 020-87300378, 87629960,18819226125, 15915963332


Guangdong Trading delegation of the first China International Import Expo 2018

Registration guidelines for professional visitors

1. Registration principles

The specifications of this exhibition are high, please ensure the authenticity of the registered units and personal information, and bear the responsibility。

Ii. Audience classification
There are four categories of professional visitors: enterprises, social organizations, public institutions, and government agencies。All professional visitors need to register and log in on the official website of CIIE or wechat public account。

3. Registration channels
Guangdong Trading Group consists of 33 trading sub-groups, including local cities (except Shenzhen) and provincial relevant units。Each transaction group has a separate invitation code。Registration units can only choose to contact one trading group to apply for registration, and register with the invitation code provided by the trading group。Please fill inGuangdong Trading group trade promotion branchInvitation code10039124453register。

Iv. Registration process

(1) Registration method

Visit the official website of China International Import Expo ( Register online。

(2) Registration path

1.With the trading group invitation code (10039124453), in the subject bar of the home page"Professional Visitors" - "Visit Pre-registration"Online registration under registration。The option to register as a collective unit“单位”After registering the relevant information of the unit, the visitor information under the name of the unit can be added;The option to register as an individual“个人”However, it is also necessary to fill in the information of the individual's unit first, and then fill in the personal information。After registering and filling in the unit and personal information, you can"Professional Audience" - "Audience Login"Search under。

2.When filling in the unit information, please note that the fields marked with "*" are required, and should be filled in one by onePurchase intentionInside information。此外,"Unit Qualification Document"In this item, enterprises need to upload "business license", social organizations need to upload "social organization legal person certificate", public institutions need to upload "public institution legal person certificate", and government agencies do not need to upload。The size of the uploaded attachment should not exceed 2M in jpg or png format。

3.After the completion of the unit information, enter the visitor's personal information registration page。包括:“新增中国大陆地区人员”、“新增港澳台地区人员”、“新增其他国家/地区人员”Click the corresponding button to add personal information。This page is availableAdd, modify, deleteOperation of personal information。The photos uploaded by the visitors will be used as the photos for subsequent certification。

4.Confirm the unit information, purchase intention, visitors and other information, and click after confirming"Submit for review"After successful submission, enter the review process, the original information cannot be modified, but you can still log in to add new personal information for participants。The audit result will be notified by email. If the audit fails, you can log in to the account to modify the relevant information and submit the audit again。

5. Question consultation
If you have any questions during the registration process, please contact the Exhibition Department of Guangdong Council for the Promotion of International Trade as soon as possible。Contact person:甘婷,020-87300378,18819226125。

Tel: 0763-3363829 Fax: 0763-3362719 E-mail: 

Copyright: Qingyuan City Committee of the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Address: Room 1309, Qingyuan Building, Luming Road, Qingcheng District, Qingyuan City, Guangdong Province

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